Reasonably Fit
Getting in shape doesn’t have to be so intense and complicated. So many people get consumed by trying to do every new crash diet, detox, and extreme workout, none of which are sustainable or enjoyable! We’re here to help make fitness fit into your life, rather than take over your life!
Reasonably Fit
Running Slow AF with Martinus Evans
Jason and Lauren Pak
Episode 55
Today's guest is Martinus Evans, author of, The Slow AF Run Club: The ultimate guide for anybody who wants to run. Today we spoke with him about strategies to start running in the body you're in right now, and how to shift your mindset and embrace running at a slower pace in order to get yourself moving! Martinus is doing amazing things for the running community and there's so much to gain from this interview even if you're not a runner (yet!)
- Book: The Slow AF Run Club: The Ultimate Guide for Anybody Who Wants to Run
- App: https://slowafrunclub.com/join/
- Instagram: @300poundsandrunning
Follow Us:
- Reasonably Fit Podcast IG: @reasonablyfitpod
- Jason and Lauren IG: @jasonandlaurenpak
- TikTok: @jasonandlaurenpak